Friday, December 25, 2015


Once MLOAD job or TPT Update operator execution has begun, table headers are updated in the target tables indicating that a MLOAD is in progress. if the MLOAD fails, target tables are still considered under the control of the MLOAD and access to them will be restricted accordingly.

The RELEASE MLOAD statement provides a way to return tables to general availability where there is no desire to restart the MLOAD. If the specified table is in the Preliminary, DDL or the early part of the Acquisition phase, the RELEASE MLOAD statement makes the table completely accessible and prevents any attempt to restart the MLOAD.

 If the MLOAD had proceeded into the Application phase, the RELEASE MLOAD statement is rejected and the job must be restarted or until the transaction with the lock completes or if the point of no return has occurred(i.e. DELETE statement is sent to the DBC)

To successfully complete a RELEASE MLOAD, the following procedure must be followed:
1. Make sure MLOAD is not running; abort it if it is. (Note: MLOAD is still in a re-startable state if aborted. If it is past the point of no return, go to step 4.)
2. Enter RELEASE MLOAD (try IN APPLY if in application phase with caustion)
3. If successful, drop the work and error tables.
  4. If not successful, determine if past point of no return. If so, either restart MLOAD and let it complete, or drop target, work, and error tables.


release MLOAD Inventory;
release MLOAD Order IN APPLY;

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